Instruction Levels
Our teaching staff is a group of highly skilled men and women who are certified casting instructors. They provide thoughtful, courteous instruction at all student skill levels. We keep the student to instructor ratio to 4:1 or less to ensure personal attention for all students.
Novices receive instruction in the basics of fly casting and fly fishing and are introduced to a wide variety of angling interests. Fly fishers with some experience will improve their skills, technique and knowledge of the sport.
The school offers three levels of instruction:
A Novice student has had little to no experience and may or may not have attended this school previously.
An Intermediate student is self-taught or has received instruction from a mentor, class or school (including this one). This placement will include a conversation with the school director in order to determine best placement for the student.
An Advanced student has attended this school in the past five years and has a recommendation from their last instructor to move to the advanced level. Advanced students spend most of their instruction time on specialty sections of rivers such as the Au Sable, the Manistee and the Boardman.
Direct any questions about placement to the TUFFS director by email or phone.